Start Small Dream Big (SSDB) project was initiated by the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) to encourage pre-schoolers to give back to community in their own small ways.
In line with our recent COVID-19 pandemic, Super Talent Childcare (Membina) has decided to embark on the SSDB project, titled ‘Showing Our Little Love & Care’.
This project instils a keen sense of giving and laying the groundwork for lifelong attitudes of generosity and giving back to society for our little talents. This project provides opportunities for our talents in Membina to participate in social causes, such as caring for the vulnerable in the neighbourhood.
As such, parents contributed to the project by contributing donations in kind with biscuits, cereals, sanitisers and masks. We were glad to collaborate with THK Family Service Centre (FSC) to distribute 55 bags of care packs to the vulnerable families.
Great job little talents for your act of courtesy and kindness to build a gracious and cohesive society in these difficult times!